Sunday, July 8, 2012

New releases in the works

In the works are releases by two masters of esoteric noise.  The first is by the Twin Cities-based power drone duo Temple of Set.  The second is from Bay Area-based tape loop guru Crown of Cerberus.  I'm extremely excited to be a part of these releases.  Be prepared for not just a stunning sonic effect but also top notch visuals to match.

I'm also excited to take Cult of Craft to the next level.  COC started as just to be a DIY publishing label for my own artwork and maybe sound. I'm happy to find a few others who's sonic and visual aesthetics match my own ideals.  Essentially, Cult of Craft should maintain a consistency of aesthetics rather than just things I like, and I'd like to have each release be a collaboration on some level.  This is just a framework though.  We'll see where it goes.